UbiQD Selected for SBIR Match
Governor Susana Martinez Announces $250,000 to Assist Small Science & Technology Companies Six Local Companies Receive SBIR Matching Grants

Santa Fe, N.M. – Today, Governor Susana Martinez announced that six New Mexico companies will receive New Mexico Small Business Innovation Research (NMSBIR) Matching Grants to help their businesses grow. The NMSBIR program, launched by Governor Martinez, is designed to support science and technology companies by assisting businesses in achieving development and commercialization goals.
“We’ve worked hard to create new tools to help our local startups thrive and now more homegrown companies are using our powerful job creation tools to grow here in New Mexico,” said Governor Martinez. “Tools like these help our local companies get off the ground and succeed, creating jobs and opportunities for New Mexicans.”
The NMSBIR Matching Grant is a competitive grant that provides matching funds to help science and technology-focused small businesses bring their research and innovation to the marketplace as products and services. The grant provides matching funds to New Mexico companies that have been granted federal SBIR awards. This competitive grant will match Phase I SBIR awards up to $25,000. Phase II awardees are eligible for a match up to $50,000.
“The NMSBIR program encourages the expansion of New Mexican commercial enterprises by accelerating innovative technologies,” said Secretary Matt Geisel. “This program influences the NM innovation ecosystem and contributes to a healthy economy. I sincerely congratulate the six companies receiving the matching grant today.”
UbiQD, Inc. is a nanotechnology company that manufactures high-performance cadmium-free quantum dots and composite materials. The company uniquely focuses on applications that utilize its materials to manipulate sunlight, enabling solar windows and spectrum-controlled greenhouses. Spun out of technology developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The University of Washington, and Western Washington University, UbiQD envisions a future where quantum dots are ubiquitous in a wide spectrum of applications. The company is based in Los Alamos and was founded in 2014. The company will receive $50,000 from the program.
Companies interested in applying for the Spring FY19 SBIR Matching Grant Program are encouraged to look for the application in early 2019 at Under the leadership of Governor Martinez, New Mexico has bolstered economic development tools, cut taxes and fees 61 times, and rolled back unnecessary regulations and red tape to create a business-friendly environment in New Mexico. Governor Martinez established the Catalyst Fund, Innovation Vouchers, the SBIR Matching Grant, and the Credit Enhancement Program to help homegrown New Mexico technology startups grow and thrive. As a result of these tools, reforms, and investments, New Mexico continues to help homegrown businesses like Skorpios, RiskSense, Ideum and others grow and thrive, while recruiting global and national companies like Facebook, Keter Plastic, Safelite, Netflix and others to New Mexico.