
UbiQD partner with IMOD for Educational Outreach event with SPIN Girls

July 10, 2023

The SPIN Girls teacher, Ginnie Crawford, met with folks from IMOD (Soren Sandeno, Tommy Nguyen, Elsa Vasquez, Andres Felipe Castro Martinez, Caroline Long, and Lisa Neshyba) to plan for the event and practice some of the activities before leading the camp.

IMOD partnered with SPIN Girls and UbiQD to provide two 4-day summer camps, specifically designed for middle school girls of color.

The lessons and activities were centered around figuring out how greenhouses using tarps made by UbiQD/UbiGro are able to increase plant production. The week started by introducing how STEM can help solve problems, with a focus on how different scientists are working to respond to issues of climate change and food production. Students read the profiles of several scientists, with a focus on women in STEM. Profiles included scientists from IMOD, from UbiQD, and from other fields and settings.

Next, the girls were introduced to the UbiGro tarps and case studies of use. The students theorized about how the tarps work and over the following activities, they explored the various properties of light, investigated what causes something to produce light, synthesized quantum dots, and built models of crystal structures.

Overall this was a great opportunity to highlight individuals and groups who are using STEM, specifically the optical properties of quantum dots, to solve problems and help people. This perspective breaks the norms of “science for science’s sake” and attends to the interests of groups that have historically been underrepresented in STEM.


SPIN Girls

Students tested how the UbiGro film changes different colors of light, and what it looks like on the plants.

Students synthesized Gold quantum dots, tested how they responded to different solutions, and explained what was happening.

Students explored the different ways light could be manipulated, including blocking particular wavelengths/colors.

Students ended the week designing and building their own greenhouses, using the UbiGro tarp to enhance the sunlight the plant receives.

UbiQD, an IMOD Industry partner, provided samples of the material for the students to investigate, as well as large rolls of the material in order for the girls to end the week making their own greenhouses. They also provided consultation, case studies, photos of the greenhouses using the material, and profiles of employees.

The SPIN Girls teacher, Ginnie Crawford, met with folks from IMOD (Soren Sandeno, Tommy Nguyen, Elsa Vasquez, Andres Felipe Castro Martinez, Caroline Long, and Lisa Neshyba) to plan for the event and practice some of the activities before leading the camp.

Read the original article here.

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