UbiQD Mourns the Passing of Board Member Katharine Chartrand
Katharine played a key role in the existence and success of UbiQD, and she will be missed

Los Alamos, NM—February 27, 2019— We are deeply saddened to announce that our investor, board member, co-founder, and friend Katharine Chartrand passed away last week after a battle with cancer.
Katharine’s brilliance, passion, and energy were the source of countless positive impacts she had on UbiQD. She was an active community builder and played a key role in the existence of multiple local startups.Before anyone else, it was Katharine who supported us with incubation space at the New Mexico Consortium in Los Alamos, and negotiated our first capital raise. She later personally invested, and served on our board of directors. She has been a close ally and advocate for team UbiQD since day one.
The best way we can honor Katharine’s legacy is to carry on, and realize her shared vision that UbiQD will make the world a better place. Katharine believed in us and we will forever be grateful. We plan to dedicate our HQ building to her name, and cherish our memories of her.
About UbiQD, Inc.
UbiQD is a nanotechnology company based in Los Alamos, New Mexico that manufactures high-performance, cadmium-free quantum dots and composite materials. The company uniquely focuses on applications that utilize its nanomaterials to manipulate sunlight, enabling solar windows and spectrum-controlled greenhouses. Spun out of technology developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Washington, and Western Washington University, UbiQD envisions a future where quantum dots are ubiquitous in a wide spectrum of applications. For more information visit