Two NM Companies Pickup Funding in DOE Clean Energy Pilot Program
The U.S. Department of Energy is opening the doors at two national laboratories to help a pair of local startups develop new clean energy technologies. Los Alamos National Laboratory will assist Albuquerque-based Pajarito Powder in improving the performance of alternative catalyst materials that the company is developing for hydrogen fuel cells.Also, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Colorado will help Los Alamos-based Ubiquitous Quantum Dots, or UbiQD LLC, to do cost modeling and analysis of nanotechnology the company believes can be used to harness solar energy from windows to power buildings.Both startups are among 43 U.S. companies selected by the DOE to receive up to $300,000 each in technical assistance and access to cutting edge equipment at laboratories around the country. It’s part of a $20 million Small Business Vouchers pilot program the DOE launched last year to help businesses develop or improve clean energy technology.
Read the full article in the Albuquerque Journal.Read the full article in the Albuquerque Business First.