
Trio of NM startups working with national labs to advance next-generation technologies

April 28, 2017

"Three New Mexico startups are working hand-in-hand with various national labs to create a cleaner future. Pajarito Powder, iBeam Materials and UbiQD are each participating in the Department of Energy's Small Business Vouchers pilot program, which provides funds and major partners for each company. So far 114 businesses have been inducted into the program since its creation in 2015. The program's purpose is to speed up the commercialization of next-generation technologies, gaining a leg up on global competition. Sandia National Laboratories announced this week the selection of five more companies to participate in the pilot program. None of them are based in New Mexico. ... UbiQD is the third New Mexico startup participating in the DoE's Small Business Vouchers program, receiving a $300,000 voucher in the process. ... Founder and president Hunter McDaniel expressed gratitude for the relationship, which he called "very productive." "Our relationship with NREL lends credibility to UbiQD in the marketplace because they are the top renewable energy research institution in the world," McDaniel said. "The modeling has been useful in our engagement with investors, who want confidence that the economics work out." The startup has also worked with Sandia Labs through its New Mexico Small Business Assistance program, which connects small businesses with scientists and engineers from the local national labs who give them expert help."

See the full article here.

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