Best day ever for GreenTech Americas
The final day of GreenTech Americas will take place today and even before it's even starting, many exhibitors and visitors are happy as despite the challenges in the market, the trade show floor has been buzzing with activity already. "Yesterday even was the best day ever for GreenTech Americas", the organizers share.It's the third edition of the trade show, and after a rough start due to the pandemic, the show can finally embrace its international character, focusing on both the Latin and North American markets.

Jenardo Marquez, Thomas Ogden, and Roberto Ramirez with Cocogreen

Jim Gideon, Matt Bergen, and Liseth Garay with UbiGro Innovations and technologiesThe exhibition focuses on the early stages of the horticultural production chain and the relevant problems that arise for producers. Theme pillars and topics of this edition are energy, water, crops, and people, and most exhibitors are showing their innovations and technologies related to these topics.

Hi Ridder!

The team of Ciale Sistemi celebrating their 10th anniversary in Mexico Remarkable is how, in addition to local, Dutch, Spanish, and Israeli companies, several Turkish suppliers are also present at the show. They are either looking to open local branches or for a dealer."Türkiye's economic climate is similar to that of Mexico, especially if you look at the value of money like the peso and the lira against the dollar, there are a lot of similarities. In addition, many Mexican companies opt for plastic greenhouses, which is where Turkey can play a role", a supplier shares.Read the original article here.