Council Approves $325,000 LEDA Loan For UbiQD
UbiQD, a local startup company, received financial assistance from the Los Alamos County Council to purchase the building it is currently headquartered in. Council approved a $325,000 Local Economic Development Act (LEDA) loan to UbiQD during its regular meeting Tuesday, July 25, in Council Chambers. The loan will help the company purchase its building at 134 East Gate Dr.
…The County Council showed strong support toward UbiQD. Councilor Pete Sheehey said, We’re very excited about this technology. The growth of your company is exciting ...we appreciate your commitment to this community.” Councilor Chris Chandler added, “I’Im pleased to support this activity. I understand the company has been doing well for the past three years.” She added she was also pleased to see the number of current employees who live in Los Alamos. Council Vice Chair Susan O’Leary said she would love the see the County and UbiQD interact more. “I think that I would love to see the County participate with you doing your glass on our bus shelters and shade structures in parks and create a municipal market. I would encourage our County team to evaluate this local technology … to benefit our taxpayers as well.”
Los Alamos Commerce and Development Corporation Executive Director Patrick Sullivan said the County was making a good investment. “It’s a young, growing company that’s made smart decisions. When we have a successful company … it breeds entrepreneurial success in town.” UbiQD’s successes will encourage more companies to come to Los Alamos, Sullivan said.
Read the full article in the Los Alamos Daily Post.